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Nursing homes, Care homes, Retirement Homes and Hospitals

Our alpacas are kind and acquiescent; the perfect surprise guests. They will happily enter buildings and gratefully eat treats out of residents’ hands.

Our animals’ welfare comes first, so we keep visits to an hour, but that is plenty of time to include a talk about them, where they come from, what they are used for and how we look after them. Residents get the opportunity to feed them and touch their luxurious fleece (when in fleece). We will also bring also a blanket fleece from a previous shearing for the residents to feel, as there is nothing quite like alpaca fibre, we find.

If there are too many residents or rooms to visit for one alpaca, we can bring a second one along. The price is per alpaca as each alpaca requires an extra handler.

Please get in touch for a quote as price depends on distance and number of alpacas. 

To book please fill out the form at the bottom of the page 





Looking for the perfect addition to your wedding to instantly

bond your guests while creating a fun and energetic atmosphere

where bad dance moves aren’t necessary?! Invite our alpacas


Our trained and social animals are the perfect party accessory

to kick off your special day. Whether it is bride & groom,

floral garlands, or top hats and bow ties, our camelids come

dressed to impress from your great aunt all the way to your



Carrots are always provided to allow each and every one you

love to try our ever popular carrot kiss by placing a carrot in your

lips to feed our gentle giants.


EVEN BETTER ~ all of the weddings we do help to support

animal assisted therapy right here in Shirebrook we look after

children with autism and ADHD these animals help with there Education and anxiety. 

book Alpacas and see your wedding giving back to your community.


What to Consider

Never booked a camelid before and wondering what all goes into inviting such a fancy guest? Well you’ve come to the right place!

Our alpacas don’t take much, but these simple considerations will help not only the animals stay comfortable, but will help enrich the experience of your guests during their appearance.


1. alpacas have padded feet similar to a dog’s that won’t scuff or ruin wood floors or manicured lawns.


2. Parking. Please consider parking when inviting our alpacas. They conveniently travel inside  spesial animal traliers. If you are inviting us somewhere with limited parking, please, consider saving a spot to best allow a timely start and end to our visit.

For public events: we typically arrive during events so please consider saving a parking spot of us as walking 400lb furry friends several blocks can take up a lot of time with each person we pass begging for a selfie. This also is a huge help when weather is too hot and our animals cannot walk on pavement without burning their pads OR when it is raining as no one likes to hug a wet animal. 


3. Plan for crowds! There is something about animals that is magnetic. Especially when they are dressed up. Allowing space for a line to form is incredibly helpful as guests are happy to wait in line when they can visually see they’re only X-amount of spots away from a selfie of their own.


4. Prepare to soak in the smiles. All of your preparation has paid off and we can take it from here! When you invite us we come prepared. From bags of sliced carrots to offer that unique carrot kiss experience everyone will be talking about, to providing extra hands to pass your cell phone to for that photo you can’t wait to share.

We understand this is a new experience for most and do our best to allow each and every person to experience the alpaca love while getting the opportunity to learn about alpacas and how your event is helping to share these animals as therapy animals throughout the community. Win. Win. Win.





Silver Alpackage   £250


2 alpacas / 1 and half hour /

2 handler / Photograph opportunity for wedding party

We can be at your venue whenever you like, simply tell us when you like the animals to arrive! Our handler will lead the alpacas through your guests and provide plenty of opportunity for petting. We will then supply the alpacas for photographs so both you and your guests can capture those precious memories. INCLUDES  floral garlands, and top hat and bow tie


 Gold Alpackage   £500

 4 Alpacas / 2 hour / 2 handler /

Photograph opportunity for wedding party

More time, a couple of extra fleecy friends and a special petting area make for a real personalized experience.

4 alpacas / 2 hours photograph opportunity for wedding party / alpaca petting pen / 50 bags of alpaca feed INCLUDES bride & groom, OR  floral garlands,top hat and bow ties.


We can be at your venue whenever you like, simply tell us when you would like the animals to arrive,

We will set up our petting pen ready to greet your guests as they arrive. Friends and family will have the unique opportunity to pet and photograph our alpacas. We can remain at your venue for your drinks reception, two animals will stay in the petting pen and our handler will lead the others to mingle with your guests. Our alpacas will be on hand for wedding party photos having perfected the alpaca “selfie”


Platinum Alpackage   £700


 4 Alpacas / 3 hour / 2 handler /

Photograph opportunity for wedding party

4 alpacas / 2 hours photograph opportunity for wedding party / alpaca petting pen / 50 bags of alpaca feed INCLUDES bride & groom, OR  floral garlands, top hat and bow ties. Plus The Platinum experience concludes with time for you and your new spouse to take an alpaca each for a meander around your venue, whether forest, field or courtyard our alpacas are patient posing professionals and will always give you their best side when it’s time for a photograph. This is a perfect opportunity for your photographer to snap some really distinctive images and is a must for the true alpaca addict.


We can be at your venue whenever you like, just let us know what time you would like the animals to arrive! One handler manages our petting pen and supplies alpaca feed to friends and family. The second handles two of our alpacas on leads and is placed wherever convenient for you, usually at the entrance to your venue or ceremony room, ready to greet your guests. This is also a great time to get some quirky groomsman photos with our animals!

We can remain at your venue for your drinks reception where our two handlers mingle through your family and friends with the alpacas and assist with wedding party photo alpaca positioning... more complementary feed will be available at this time for those who want that extra special bonding experience with the animals.



booking form please send to:

shirebrook, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
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